Friday, February 21, 2014


Below are a couple recipes for making ravioli. Enjoy!

Ravioli, Italian.—Make a little firm smooth paste (see the next recipe). Roll it oat as thin as thick paper, and sprinkle it with as little flour as possible. Make a forcemeat of fowl, veal, or fish, or take a godiveau; lay it in little heaps at equal distances on half the paste, and cover with the other half. With the fingers press the paste down between the little piles forcemeat to make it adhere, then cut the 1 into squares. Put these side by side in a dish and boil them in bouillon for five Serve with grated cheese in a plate.

Ravioli, Italian (another way) Make some nicely-flavoured forcemeat as follows:— Take two ounces of the flesh of roast chicken or game weighed after it has been freed from skis and sinew. Mince it finely, and mix with it a table-spoonful of borage which has been scalded, pounded, and passed through a sieve; failing this, use a table-spoonful of spinach greening. Add an ounce of pounded ham, four cleaned and pounded anchovies, a shallot, three hard and two raw yolks of eggs, a table-spoonful of grated Parmesan, and a little pepper and grated nutmeg. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Roll out half a pound of nouilles paste as thin as possible, cut it into rounds two inches a diameter with a fluted cutter, moisten the edges with water, and lay a small ball of the forcemeat upon each round. Fold the pastry over the forcemeat, and pinch it tightly together. Let the ravioli dry for a short time!1 Butter a saucepan, lay them in it, pour a little boiling stock over them, and let them simmer os£ tho pastry is dono enough. Drain Ukc lay them on a dish, sprinkle a little grated Parmesan over, and lay little pieces of butter here and there upon them. Put them in a brisk oven for a quarter of an hour, poor a little gmgi gravy round them, and serve very hot. To make the nouilles paste put half a pound of flour on a pastry-board, make a hole in tho centre, break two eggs into it, add half an ounce of butter and a pinch of salt, and mix all together to a smooth, firm paste; it is then ready for use. Time to simmer the ravioli, five minutes.

Ravioli Soup.—Prepare and poach the ravioli as in the last recipe. Drain them, and put them into a roup turain. Pour over them two quarts of good strong veal or game stock, add a glassful of madeira, and Berve very hot. Send a plateful of grated Parmesan to table with tho soup. Time, five minutes to poach the ravioli. Sufficient for ten or twelve persons.
Source: Cassell's dictionary of cookery ©1883

Ravioli: Prepare chicken forcemeat precisely the same as for chicken croquettes,— that is, chop your chicken as fine as sawdust; mix thoroughly with some- moistened crumb of bread (about one-third as much bread as chopped chicken), a lump of butter the size of a small egg, one pinch of ground mace, one tablespoonful of Parmesan cheese (grated), one tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and two egg yolks. Mix and incorporate these ingredients thoroughly; roll little balls like large marbles, and lay them separately on a plate. Have ready two sheets of nouille-paste (the recipe for which I will give below). Lay one sheet of the paste on your pasteboard, and place the little forcemeat balls on it, about an inch and a half apart. With your finger or a delicate brush moisten with water the spaces between the balls, and lay the top sheet of paste over them. Now take a little paste wheel,— or knife if you have nothing better,— and separate by cutting each of the ravioli. They appear like very little patties. Throw them into hard boiling salted water, and let them boil briskly twenty minutes without once removing the, lid while they are boiling. Unless they are kept "entirely closed while boiling the paste will be tough. So, for that matter, will pot pie, dumplings, or any boiled paste.
As these ravioli are of themselves so rich, I usually pour over them stewed tomatoes, strained, and cover with grated Parmesan cheese. I have seen them served with Italian sauce, Espagnole sauce, and many other rich sauces. But it has always appeared proper to me, not to have a rich sauce for ravioli.
Source: A Few Hints about Cooking, with Remarks on Many Other Subjects ©1887

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